Friday, September 26, 2014

Back in action!

So, guess what?? I'M BACK! Didn't think ya could get rid of me that Easily, eh?? Sorry for the conventional errors--I'm on an iPhone. EVIL INCARNATE FOR BLOGGER. Nothing lengthy, just a request to answer this question: who noticed?

Thursday, June 5, 2014


C'MON! Site, you can make it through!

ERRRRR I didn't say anything. Nope, not at all.

Anyways, did a random art piece:

I have no idea what it will be for.

BLARGH. OH YEAH Capture the flag was today. HAHA, TESS! YOU NO GET ME! HAH!

Couch meat? You guys are obnoxious.

Weird hippy-like girl: You are a horrible distraction, meaning you are horrible at distracting.

Everyone else: GOOD GAME!

As we say in Ad Potentium...

                 AD POPULUM!
Which is to say:
                 TO THE PEOPLE!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Lol--what day is it?

     Gosh--haven't posted here for a while. This site is sorta lonely... *pats site reasuringly*
     Nothing momentous--'twas a long, stale memorial day weekend, don't you think?
     Oh yeah, I was blackmailed :D Jealous?
     Practically spamming this place with random comments.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Time and Relative Dimension in Space

     I was walking in my yard (yes, I'm such a weirdo) and found an odd, heart-shaped rock. I also found a creepy-looking skull (hehe)--a small one--and a bronze coin from 2015 (*ahem*). TARDIS!
     Anyhow, FIELD TRIP IS GOING TO BE GREAT! WOOHOO! POST DOWN BELOW 'BOUT HOW YOU THINK IT IS GOING TO TURN OUT! I personally think it is going to raiiiiiin...
It's a curse... Or a gift... OR AN INSPIRATION! Or nothing...
Poem idea: 

Sound of war.

Copyright 2014 Conor O'Brien

It is the sounding
of fallout resounding
Watch it begin--
life is dieing.
What do you have in store for me?
You let loose my Mother Bereft.
You are the one that makes it rain.

The drums
the constant thrum.
This is it--
no where left to run.

You are my constant lement.
You are the one that I don't need.
with the sounds that fill my brain.

To the intervallic beat
it is the sound of their retreat!
It isn't done--
It's all done!

Interlocked with my feets.
You are the one to raze my path.
You are the one I am to meet.

Now listen. The drums.
I say goodbye.
This is it.
I hear a siren--
the rising and falling
like that of the sea.
I hear a scream--
the sharp and shrillness
like that of the wind.
I hear it falling--
the low thrum
like that of a machine.
The drums. The drums!
Hear the drumming.
The constant thrum
like that of the all.


     Woah. Something got away from me there. WOW. Kinda cryptic. Ho hum. In case you didn't notice, it's about nuclear war. Siren, Razing, Drumming, Falling, Screaming.... BURNING. Huh boy
     BTW--Dragon avatar FTW!
     Comment me about something I should do next (really bored):
  1. Show how to 'troll' someone sophisticatedly
  2. Create a password-eating program
  3. 'Blind' someone with a screen that turns from black to white CONSTANTLY
  4. Suggestion for a program (comment below specifically)
AND PLEASE COMMENT! I'd really appreciate it!
Thanks, signing off (sorta),

Sunday, May 18, 2014


     Sorry, long time, no see. Or read... :/

     Anyways, short and concice ish:

Day 1:
     I forgot what happened, other than the recurring woodpecker in history :D

Day 2:
     Left for camp out with an early dismissal from school (yes! left school and no! no friends! ;-;)

Day 3:
     Assuming this is Saturday, I woke up SIX. THIRTY. thinking, "What person in their sane mind wakes up at 6:30‽" Apparently, my whole boy scout troop is nutsy-cookoo.

     Jonathan (our troop leader) and some of the other adults (which Jonathan isn't) started to make noises like that of the beginning of a fox hunt in England: Bud-up-a-bud-up-a-bup-pa-da-BAAAAAAA! I threw my Swiss Army Knife at his general direction, but I was in the tent, so nothing happened. It was really seven-thirty when I got up out of the tent, where I retrieved my knife and examined it after breakfast. I found that the Swiss must drink a good amount, for there are THREE (yes THREE!) attachments related to CHAMPAIGN (shh, it's spelled right), BEER, COKE, OR OTHER TYPES OF DRINKS! WTF‽
     Anyways, we had a nice, looooong hike that lasted from 9:00 to 1:30. During the hike, I fell into a weird daze walking by the ocean. I found myself turning a smooth, dull rock around and around in my hand. I looked at the ocean's wash flow over the beach and sometimes around my boots.
     The most beautiful rock is a dull one I thought. Dang, I must have gone crazy there, for the last time I looked at my watch was before my daze (9:30), and by the time I tripped and fell into the ocean (yum), it was 10:30. TEN. THIRTY. ONE-ZERO-COLON-THREE-ZERO. ONEZEROCOLONTHREEZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHOMIGOSHTHEDREADLORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDS(DUNNOWHERETHATCAMEFROMSOMEONETELLMEEE)AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
     Anyways, I hope your computer has a capital seizure there. By the time we got back, I found a nice, pink-white-silver-blue-purple-azure shell, and my brother had a claw in hand. After our excursion, we had lunch, then I decided to fool around with the younger scouts (YES I HATED BEING CALLED A YOUNGER SCOUT, EAT IT! FEEL MY PAAAAAIN! (shhh)). We played Capture the flag in which there was only one other seventh grader named Ahmed (kept on forgetting his name). I ended up promoting myself to British Captain of the Red Dorito Bag, and ended speaking like a Brit, too. Forgot how to speak regularly for a bit, there. I actually tricked some people into thinking my 'accent' was real. Heh.
     We had dinner (lovely oatmeal cereal) and went to bed, waking up early the next morning.
Day Last
     *cracks knuckles* I've typed this much‽ WTF‽‽ Anyways, got back around 1:30 after leaving behind a one and a half hour car ride (most of which was spent playing Plague Inc. playing on Normal with the Bio-Weapon (which I failed because I killed everybody first >.<) and Europe massacred it's birds. Freaks e_e)
     Going home, I started typing up this, than stopped, than finished it right about now.

     My brother's home from college (yay!).

     SIGNING OFF PEEPS! (I'll try my Brit accent at school if ya' ask). This is Conor!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Audience update #1

Day 1: 20 days left.

     This morning, I woke up at 6:15. Sort of. In reality, I let my watch go for another ten minutes before receiving a prompt wham! from my brother's pillow. I then fell asleep on the couch and boom! it's ten 'till seven. The ideal time to be leaving for me is around 7:15-25, but I usually leave around thirty-five after. Ah well.
     I leave at 7:36 (usually really bad) and end up arriving at five after eight e_e. In fact, I arrived early enough to see Matthew before he holed up in his class (History, I think). In math, I sit through a stale lesson on linear equations. *yawn*
     Anyways, I walk into the gym after nearly falling down the stairs (nice fail, eh? Jealous?). I take my seat next to Briscoe as Ms. Hutz is making the class stand up and sit down. The funny thing in PE is that we assigned ourselves a general seating order...
'Seating Chart'... Huh boy.
...where 'blue' is boys, and that fuchsia-ish color is where the girls tend to settle. The white area closer to the hoop is where I tend to sit, and the darker shades are where the eighth graders end up.
Carrying on, after a nice drill of "Stand up,"'s and "Sit down,"'s, I finally noticed the tablets under the hoop. What in the world could we use tablets for... IN PE? I thought to myself. Much the same thought was most likely rotating around the room. As it turns out, we did some 'research' about FIFA world cup, and I was like 'Ugh...'
     I ended up researching Australia—not very interesting, let me tell you!—and as a result, I was last in line, not the worst thing ever, though. Who gives a darn? This was because Australia was ranked 59th out of the thirty teams (yes, 59. I don't get it either), and we lined up by terms of rank (1st, 2nd, 3rd... 47th (the next-lowest number), 59th). Mark (an eighth grader) said Australia gets flattened every world cup (go figure).
Outside, Nate (yet another eighth grader), told me to play center-back. What in the darn world is center-back‽ I thought to myself. I assumed it to be center, and  that 'back' was some sort of slang in the soccer (or football, if you wish) world. I now know (after a serious "What the —— are you doing up there‽ GET BACK HERE!") that center-back is really just defense.
     "Why didn't you know that‽" Rob (YET another eighth grader) asked me.
     "Know what‽" I said back.
     "Center-back is defense!"
     "Next time you want me to play d'," I said, "say 'play defense!' and not 'Go ahead and play center-back'"
     Nate said something (probably a curse) under his breath, and said "Whatever. Play defense."
Later, I ended up tripping (again, like usual when playing soccer) and, while trying to get up, I almost hand the ball. "You play with your feet, not your hands, Conor." Rob said.
     "I was flipping trying to get up!" I said, as Rob started to progress towards the other goal. "I'm not Mr. Oh-I'm-So-Perfect," I said, following Rob who just passed the ball to Nate. "Unlike Nate over there..." At this point, Nate flourishes the ball directly into the opposing teams goal pretentiously.
     The rest of the game was a blur, really having no point at all.
     "You're dismissed. Have a great day—" Ms. Hutz said, though I was already jogging towards the school doors and—
     Locked! Another minute, and the floodgates are released. I realized that Briscoe really enjoys the art of arguing, which accounts for most (if not all) of the silent walks back to the lunch. And, after changing—
      Lunch! HAHAHA!
     I sat down, my face probably red (as I saw from the fourth period class later that day), with David R. sitting to the right of Matthew and to the place I usually sit (yes, another case of self-assigned seating charts. Help!). I take my seat, and end up futzing around with my calculator. About five minutes before the bell rings—
     "Oh sh,"—a small pause"—oot, I have to finish my W*rdly W*se!"—(asterized to prevent copyright infringement, if any). After a headlong rush into the realm of the words that most will never use, I finish half before third period—Christian Studies. Throughout that rush, David R. continuously corrected me on a certain problem to the point where I disregarded his advice.
     I finish my WW just minutes after the bell rings. I discover that Mr. Newman—our Christian Studies teacher—is leaving next year to teach at his hometown (Huntsville, Alabama, I believe).
     After CS, English whizzes by, and in Seminar, I learn how to do calculus with M&N's (yes, avoiding infringement).
      'Ead rush, 'eh? No, not really. Until then!